Dark drops (Lygophilia) ||| Črne Kaplje (Ligofilija)

Dark Drops / Črne Kaplje [slovensko besedilo ⇊⇊]

The Dark Drops are series of works initiated by artist Robertina Šebjanič, that (re)interpret the environment of subterranean caves where time and space defy human perception.



By Robertina Šebjanič

audio composition, vinyl record, (23 min 2017 / 2018)



Drops that resonate in the darkness of the caves are a condensed representation of a complex and extreme environment that is still full of mystery and special beauty, and where the geological and biological time seems to unfold in different timeframes. The sound of the water dropping in caves has a strong presence: it breaks the silence. Those little transmit information about the living conditions from above and deeply into the cave, being both a source of food for biological life and the construction material for the geological structures. The audio recordings used for the composition are from field recording with hydrphone at Planina Lake and Zelške cave, which is inhabited also by human fish aka proteus aka olm.

*Lygophilia is a series of research-based artworks initiated in 2017 in a wish to explore love (Gr.: philéō) for darkness (Gr.: lúgē) and unknown dwellers in places inhospitable to humans.

**The proteus or olm also known as the proteus or the cave salamander – Proteus anguinus) is a blind amphibian exclusively found in the underwater caveskast area in Slovenia and also in some parts of of southern European (Italy, southwestern Croatia, and Bosnia and Herzegovina)




released January 1, 2017

by Robertina Šebjanič, composition by field recording material recorded during the field trip to Planinska jama (cave) and Zelniške jame in Rakov Škocjan, Slovenia.

Production of the vinyl (limited edition – print on demand): SubAqua / Zavod Sektor 2018

Special thanks: Zavod Projekt Atol, Pixxelpoint festival, Radio Cona



The sound of drops Is resonating inside of glass. This sensuous submersion into the silence, darkness and cold of subterranean caves brings visitors nearer to an environment, which is hostile for humans, but this is a home for specialised organisms, that are able to survive extreme situations.
Drops that resonate in the darkness of the caves, are condensed representation of a complex and extreme environment that is still full of mystery, obscurity and a very special beauty, where the geological and biological time seem to happen in a different time span.

In the caves the sound of the water dropping has a strong presence. It is the sound that is breaking the silence. These little drops are the “information-transfer transactions” getting the info about the living conditions from above the ground to the deepness of the cave. They are also a food source for biological life and the building material for geological structures.

The simultaneous stretching and contracting of time in such conditions is difficult to comprehend, but the trickling of water somehow enables it, and the dripping of drops, echoing in the silence of the caves, implicate at a world that is much larger from ourselves.



Dark Drops
sound installation, 2018

With sound of drops resonating in a glass structures The Dark Drops (re)interpret the environment of caves where time and space defy human perception. The sound of drops Is resonating inside of glass. Drops are breaking the silence of this obscured world that is still full of mystery, darkness and a very special beauty, where the geological and biological time seem to happen in a different time span.

Production support: esc medien kunst labor, Sektor Institute 2018

Pre-production: in the context of The Liquid Time Capsule, Pixxelpoint festival 2016
Special thanks: Tea Hvala, Andreea Oarga-Mulec, Miha Colner, Rene Rusjan, Bunker,
Franjo Drole (Karst Research Institute), Jure Pirih, master glassblower Peter Kolobarič.


Dark Drops

 photo series, diasec photography, 2016

Črne kaplje

fotografska serija iz Ligofilijediasec fotografije, 2016


Črne kaplje

Zvočna instalacija, 2018

Zvok kapelj, ki resonira v steklenih strukturah Črnih kapelj reintrepretira okolje podzemnih jam. Kaplje prekinjajo tišino tega nejasnega sveta, ki je še vedno poln skrivnosti, teme in lepote, kjer se zdi, da se geološki in biološki čas zgodi v drugačnem časovnem obdobju.

Produkcijska podpora: esc medien kunst labor, Zavod Sektor 2018

Pre-production:  v kontekstu Tekoče časovne kapsule (The Liquid Time Capsule), Pixxelpoint 2016

Umetnica: Robertina Šebjanič

Steklopihač in konvinsko delo: Peter Kolobarič in Roman

Črne kaplje / o kapljanju

Zvočna kompozicija 2017

Odzvanjajoče kapljice v temi jam, so zgoščen prikaz kompleksnega in ekstremnega okolja, ki je še vedno polno skrivnosti, teme in posebne lepote, kjer  se zdi da se geološki in biološka čas odvijata v drugih časovnih okvirjih.

V jamah je zvok, ki prebija tišino, zvok kapljanja. Majhne a vztrajno prisotne kapljice so “prenos informacij”, vsebujejo podatke o življenjskih pogojih, ki iz gozdov, travnikov, polij in mest, pronicajo globoko v jamo in so vir hrane za biološko življenje, kakor tudi gradbeni material za geološke strukture.

Projekt ‘Črne kaplje” razpira zvočni vstop v območje, ki je človeškemu ušesu tuje in neznano. Avtorica je obiskala več kraških jam, medtem ko je zvočni zapis, ki ga je uporabila za ustvaritev kompozicije, črpala iz Zelških jam in Planinske jame.

Odzvanjajoče kapljice v temi jam so zgoščen prikaz kompleksnega in ekstremnega okolja, ki je še vedno polno skrivnosti, teme in posebne lepote, kjer se zdi, da se geološki in biološki čas odvijata v drugih časovnih okvirih. V jamah je zvok, ki prekinja tišino, zvok kapljanja. Majhne a vztrajno prisotne kapljice so „prenos informacij“, ki vsebujejo podatke o življenjskih pogojih, ki iz gozdov, travnikov, polij in mest, pronicajo globoko v jamo in so vir hrane za biološko življenje, kakor tudi gradbeni material za geološke strukture.