SELACHOPHILIA: CETORHINUS MAXIMUS – LIMARIA HIANS – weaves together mythologies and sciences, humans and non_humans, to speak of our ability to address challenges in the age of the Anthropocene. The story protagonists are the migratory basking shark (Cetorhinus maximus) and the flame shell (Limaria hians), a small species, endemic to the North Atlantic waters. The author had the opportunity to encounter both during her residency on the RV Celtic Explorer scientific research vessel in Ireland. The immersive installation intertwines the story, sung in the traditional Irish sean-nós style, with the narration of a storyteller and field recordings from above and below the surface of the Atlantic Ocean.
immersive audiovisual narrative
Artist (concept, development, text, sound design): Robertina Šebjanič
Sean-nós vocals: Caitríona Ní Cheannabháin, Róisín Seoighe
Narration: Polona Torkar
Recording of narration: Rok Kovač
Sound mastering: Aleš Hieng Zergon
3D sound Jure Vlahovič and Robertina Šebjanič
Light design: Jure Rubelj
Mechanical part: ScenArt do.o
Stage: Matevž Ftičar Mato Marinček
Production 2019–2020: Aerial/Sparks, Galway 2020 European Capital of Culture
Production 2021: Kino Šiška and Zavod Sektor, curated by Anja Zver
The sound piece is part of the Aerial/Sparks project curated by Louise Manifold.
video documentation: Miha Godec
video editing of documentation Mato Marinček
Atlantic Tales by Robertina Šebjanič at Kino Šiška, photo by Aleš Rosa

Atlantic Tales by Robertina Šebjanič at IZIS Festival, Koper, photos by Klemen Skočir

Dr. Chris McGonigle, artist Robertina Šebjanič and artist/curator Louise Manifold discuss the importance of the age-old relationship between people and the sea, and how sonic folklore plays a fundamental role in shaping our connection to ocean space.
DR Chris McGonigle, Senior Lecturer in Marine Science at Ulster University Northern Ireland.
Robertina Šebjanič, Artist (SI)
Louise Manifold, Curator Aerial/Sparks (IE)
Zgodbe iz Atlantika: Selachophilia: Cetorhinus maximus – Limaria hians
Zgodbe iz Atlantika: Selachophilia: Cetorhinus maximus – Limaria hians prepredajo mitologije in znanosti, človeka in ne_človeka in govorijo o sposobnosti reševanja izzivov v dobi antropocena. Protagonista zgodbe sta migracijski morski pes orjak (Cetorhinus maximus) in školjka nežna lima (Limaria hians), majhna endemična vrsta, naseljena v severnoatlantskih vodah, s katerima se je avtorica srečala med bivanjem v raziskovalni
znanstveni odpravi na raziskovalni znanstveni ladji RV Celtic Explorer na Irskem. Delo je predstavljeno kot imerzivna instalacija, kjer se zgodba, zapeta v posebnem irskem slogu petja sean-nós, prepleta s pripovedovanjem pravljičarke in zvočnimi posnetki nad- in podvodnih terenov severnega Atlantskega oceana.
Zgodbe iz Atlantika: Selachophilia: Cetorhinus maximus – Limaria hians
Umetnica (raziskava, tekst, zvočno oblikovanje): Robertina Šebjanič
Sean-nós vokala: Caitríona Ní Cheannabháin in Róisín Seoighe
Naracija: Polona Torkar
Posnetek naracije: Rok Kovač
Mastering zvoka: Aleš Hieng Zergon
Produkcija 2019/2020: Aerial/Sparks, Galway 2020 European Capital of Culture
Produkcija 2021: Center urbane kulture Kino Šiška in Zavod Sektor

Left to Right Petros Mathioudakis from 2G Robotics, John Howe from SAMS, Jay Calvert from DAERA, Clive Fox from SAMS, Chris Mcgonigle from UU, Cathal Donnelly a student from UU, James Dooley from UU, Robert Runya a student from UU, Terri Souster from UU, Simon from Journey for, Robertina Sebjanic the Artist in residence and Jenny Collier from Imperial College London.