Robertina Šebjanič is an artist whose work explores the biological, chemical, (geo)political and cultural realities of aquatic environments and the impact of humanity on other organisms. Her projects call for the development of empathetic strategies aimed at recognising the other (non-human) enteties. In her analysis of the Anthropocene and its theoretical framework, the artist uses the terms “aquatocene” and “aquaforming” to refer to the human impact on marine environments.
Her works received awards and nominations at Prix Ars Electronica, Starts Prize, Falling Walls, Re:Humansm 2023 Her art work Aurelia 1+Hz / proto viva generator (artist proof) is since 2019 part of the …NewArt { collection;}. _ Electronic Art Collection, Spain.
She exhibited / performed at solo and group exhibitions as well as in galleries and festivals: ZKM (Karlsruhe), CCCB (Barcelona), Gallery Cukrarna (Ljubljana), Matadero (Madrid), WRO Bienalle (Wroclaw), Ars Electronica (Linz), Art Laboratory (Berlin), Eastern Bloc (Montreal), Laboratorio Arte Alameda (Ciudad de Mexico), MSU – Museum of Contemporary Art (Zagreb), MSUB – The Museum of Contemporary Art (Belgrade), MONOM (Berlin), La Gaîté Lyrique (Paris), Le Cube (Paris), +MSUM Museum of Contemporary Art (Ljubljana), Eyebeam (New York), CAAM – Atlantic Center of Modern Art (Grand Canaria) CCD – Centro de Cultura Digital (Ciudad de Mexico) re:publica (Berlin), Mladi Levi (Ljubljana), Piksel (Bergen), OSMO/ZA (Ljubljana), Device art 5.015 at Klovičevi dvori (Zagreb), PORTIZMIR#3 (Izmir), Kiblix festival (Maribor), Spektrum (Berlin), KIKK festival (Namur), and more….
2006 – 2009 Member of the board of editors of Pojmovnika slovenske umetnosti po letu 1945 / The Glossary of Slovene Art from 1945.
2005 – 2006 as a member of group TEMP she had participated in public interventions and installations in the development of strategies for alternative use of abandoned spaces.
Her video works are part of several video collections, among them of Station DIVA presents (a historical overview – 15 works of Slovenian video art ), Videospotting , One minute video, HEP (Human Emotion Project from 2009 onwards), etc.
She was a member of an informal group TEMP and member of the board of editors of Pojmovnika slovenske umetnosti po letu 1945 / The Glossary of Slovene Art from 1945.
Robertina Šebjanič je umetnica, ki v svojem delu raziskuje ekološke, geopolitične in kulturne realnosti vodnih okolij in vpliv človeštva na druga okolja in v njih živeče organizme. V svoji analizi antropocena in njegovega teoretičnega okvira umetnica uporablja pojma ” aquatocene” in “aquaforming”, ki se nanašata na antropogeni vpliv človeštva na vodne okolja. Njeni projekti pozivajo k razvoju empatičnih strategij, katerih cilj je priznavanje pravic entitet, ki so več kot človek. Njeno umetniško delo Aurelia 1+Hz / proto viva generator (a. p.) je od leta 2019 del zbirke .NewArt { collection;}. v Španiji. Njena dela so prejela nagrade in nominacije na festivalih Prix Ars Electronica, Starts Prize, Falling Walls, Re:humanism.
Robertina Šebjanič je intermedijska umetnica. Vsebinsko svoje ideje in koncepte pogosto realizira v sodelovanju z drugimi avtorji, zato njena dela utelešajo interdisciplinarnost in neformalno integracijo. V svojih delih se ukvarja z vzpostavitevijo razmerij med humanističnimi in naravoslovnimi znanostmi ter tehnologijo (umetnostjo – tehnologijo – znanostjo). Njeno raziskovanje je v zadnjih letih predvsem usmerjeno na področje živih sistemov, AV performansov ter zvočnih umetnosti in postavitve interaktivnih ambientalnih odzivnih okolij. Robertina je soustanoviteljica in aktivna članica skupine Theremidi orchestra (2011-2018) in je članica mednarodne mreže Hackteria network (od leta 2013).
2016 je prejela za delo Aurelia 1+Hz /proto viva sonification častno omembo – Honorary mention Prix Ars Eletronika za kategorijo Interactive Art+ in STARTS 2016 nomination za projekt Time Displacement / Chemobrionic Garden in nominacijo za Beli Aphroid za porjekt Aquatocene. Je del platforme SHAPE 2017 . 2018 je bila rezidenčna umetnica Ars Electronice (EMARE / EMAP), z projektom aqua_forensic (sodelavec Gjino Šutić).V letu 2007 je prejela nagrado akademije za likovno umetnost.
Robertina Sebjanic photo by Uroš Abram made for Mladina magazin, for article – creative portraits & text by Petra Tihole
Robertina Šebjanič je umetnica, ki v svojem delu raziskuje ekološke, geopolitične in kulturne realnosti vodnih okolij in vpliv človeštva na druga okolja in v njih živeče organizme. V svoji analizi antropocena in njegovega teoretičnega okvira umetnica uporablja pojma ” aquatocene” in “aquaforming”, ki se nanašata na antropogeni vpliv človeštva na vodne okolja. Njeni projekti pozivajo k razvoju empatičnih strategij, katerih cilj je priznavanje pravic entitet, ki so več kot človek.
Njeno umetniško delo Aurelia 1+Hz / proto viva generator (a. p.) je od leta 2019 del zbirke .NewArt { collection;}. v Španiji.
Robertina Šebjanič je študirala na Akademiji za likovno umetnost in oblikovanje in na Šoli uporabnih umetnosti Famul Stuart, obe sta v Ljubljani, v Sloveniji. V študijskem letu 2005 / 2006 je bila na študentski izmenjavi na Valand School of Fine Arts v Gothenburgu na Švedskem.
Svoja dela predstavlja na mnogih samostojnih in skupinskih razstavah in v okviru mednarodnih razstav in festivalov med drugim tudi: Eastern Bloc – Montreal / Ars Eletronica, – Linz / Kosmica festival – Laboratorio Arte Alameda, Mexico City / MONOM_ CTM Berlin / Forum Camp (PING) Nantes / KIBLIX festival -Maribor / MFRU festival – Maribor / Art laboratory Berlin / Stadtwerkstatt – Linz/ Le Cube – Pariz / PortIzmir3 – K2 -Izmir / Touch me_Klovičevi dvori_Kontejner – Zagreb / Galerija Kapelica – Ljubljana / Eyebeam – NYC / HackteriaLab – Yogyakarta / Share – NYC / Front Gallery – NYC / Bandits-Mages Rencontres 2014 _ Bourges / 7. trienale slovenske umetnosti U3, +MSUM- Ljubljana / HackteriaLab – Bangalore / Piksel festival – Bergen / Festival Accès(s)_ Pau / Device art_Kontejner – Zagreb / Prima Gallery- Berlin / Galerija SC -Zagreb / Netaudio Festival- London / Likovni salon Celje / Galerija Alkatraz- Ljubljana / Paraflows- Dunaj / Haip- Ljubljana / Amber- Istanbul / Muzej sodobne umetnosti Vojvodine v Novem Sadu / Galerija KiBela, Kibla – Maribor / SCCA – Ljubljana / Share – Beograd / BRGS_ Antwerp itd….
Njena video dela so v mnogih video kolekcijah prikazovana na referenčnih mednarodnih prizoriščih, med drugim v : HEP (HUMAN EMOTION PROJECT od 2009 – ), Videospotting etc…Med drugim je njeno video delo predstavljeno znotraj projekta: DIVA Station (SCCA Slovenia) historični izbor slovenske video umetnosti od 1983 to 2007.
2023 Re:Humanism Art Prize, Rim, finalistka z delom Echinoidea future – Adriatic sensing,
2021 Falling Walls 2021 – zmagovalka v kategoriji povezovanja znanosi in umetnosti 202, za delo Aquatocene,
2016 Honorary Mention @Prix Ars Electronica 2016, za projekt Aurelia 1+Hz / proto viva sonification
2016 STARTS2016 nominacija za projekt Time Displacement / Chemobrionic Garden
2018 projekt Aquatocene umeščen med 5 zmagovalcev projekta The Universal Sea
2017 Nominacija za nagrado White Aphroid
2017 SHAPE umetnica v letu 2017
2007 je prejela priznanje /nagrado Akademije za likovno umetnost, Univerza v Ljublajni
2022 – Galapagos Art and Science Journey, organizirano s strani Quo Artist Foundation v sodelovanju Royal Academy of European Doctors (READ) iz Španije
2022 – artist-in-residence ATMO at UCLA Art|Sci Center, Los Angeles, ZDA
2020 na svetovnem spletu: Working Group “Staying in touch: post-coronavirus art curating” developed on behalf of Cultivamos Cultura in the framework of Biofriction by the working group Art Shows and Public Health leaded by Dalila Honorato and composed by Robertina Šebjanič, Louise Mackenzie, Karolina Żyniewicz and Isabel Burr Raty
2019 rezidenčna umetnica na RV Celtic Explorer s projektom Aerial / Sparks v sklopu kulturne prestolnice Galway 2020,
2018 rezidenčna umetnica Ars Electronica (EMARE / EMAP) s projektom aqua_forenzika (sodelavec Gjino Šutić), Linz Avstrija
2021, rezidenčna umetnica v Kino Šiška, Ljubljana
2020 rezidenčna umetnica v PiNA laboratory Koper, RUK
2017 rezidenčna umetnica v Arte+Ciencia at UNAM, lvodja reszidence María Antonia González Valerio
2017 rezidenčna umetnica v Critical Tourism 2: Aquatocene / Escaping Sound Pollution v grey area . siva zona
2016 rezidenčna umetnica v Station biologiue de Roscoff – Roscoff Marine Station, organizacija PING curator Ewen Chardronnet.
2018 štipendija Ministrstvo za kulturo R. Slovenije
2016 rezidenčna umetnica v Berlin-u, pod okriljem Ministrstvo za kulturo R. Slovenije.
2015 Ministrstvo za kulturo R. Slovenije at Lieu Unique, PING Nantes, Francija
2014 rezidenčna umetnica v Deep Blue in Izmir, Turčija (Triennial of Contemporary Art PORTIZMIR3. Institute of Marine science and tehnologies )
2014 rezidenčna umetnica v “The Soft, the Hard and the Wet” at Eleonore, Stadtwerkstatt kuratorica Shu Lea Cheang.
2014 rezidenčna umetnica v New Yorku, pod okriljem Ministrstvo za kulturo R. Slovenije.
2011 rezidenčna umetnica v Prima Center Berlin (PCB), Berlin, Nemčija
2014 je bila udeleženka HackteriaLab Yogyakarta, Indonezija.
2013 je bila sorganizator in udeleženka HackteriaLab Bangalore, Indija.
Od januarja 2013 do junija 2014 je bila razvijalka misij in programov v Kulturnem centru evropskih vesoljskih tehnologij KSEVT, kjer je med drugim bila tudi asitentka produkcije pri izvedbi projekta PROBLEM VOŽNJE PO VESOLJU – SUPRE:ARHITEKTURA, ki je predstavlja R. Slovenijo na Arhitekturnem bienalu v Benetkah 2014.
Med 2008 in 2012 je bila programska koordinatorica in vodja umetniško izobraževalnih dejavnosti na LJUDMILI digital media lab v Ljubljani, kjer je leta 2012 organizirala mednarodni dogodek Interactivos?’12 Ljubljana: Zastarele tehnologije prihodnosti.
Leta 2007 je prejela nagrado ljubljanske Akademije za likovno umetnost in oblikovanje.
2006–2009: članica uredniške odbora Pojmovnika slovenske umetnosti po letu 1945.
2005–2006: kot članica skupine Temp je sodelovala pri javnih intervencijah in instalacijah na področju razvojnih strategij alternative uporabe zapuščenih prostorov.
Aurelia 1+Hz / proto viva generator by Robertina Šebjanič, …NewArt { collection;}. _ Electronic Art Collection, Spain, photo by Miha Godec
26 January – 17 February, Rijeka – Solo exhibition: “Tidal (Sy)(e)mpathia”. by Robertina Šebjanič at Drugo more/ Filodrammatica Gallery in Rijeka, Croatia. Presented works: Echinoidea Future – Adriatic Sensing – Installation, 2022 and Atlantic Tales: Selachophilia: Cetorhinus Maximus – Limaria Hians – immersive audiovisual narrative, 2019-2021 / * only on the opening day of the exhibiti. more:
26 – 29 May, Bologna – Resilience Festival by Kilowatt at Le Serre Gardini, Robertina Šebjanič artist in focus; exhibition of works Atlantic Tales, Co_Sonic1884km2 and AV performance Aquatocene. more:
13 July, Ljubljana – SONIC ALLEGORIES by dr. Lena Ortega (MEX) & Robertina Šebjanič (SLO) with special guest prof. dr. Victoria Vesna (USA) at Computer museum Ljubljana (Računalniški muzej Ljubljana)
CO_SONIC 1884 KM2 – the audio-visual installation by Robertina Šebjanič, March 24, 2021, at the Ambrožev trg square park, is the third in a series of projects taking place in the run-up to the opening of Cukrarna. (solo exhibition -24 March, Ljubljana more:
Aquatocene / The subaquatic quest for serenity by Robertina Šebjanič at MKC Gallery Split, Croatia
aqua_forensic by Robertina Šebjanič and Gjino Šutić, Gallery Postmodern, Dubrovnik, Croatia
Aquatocene solo concert of the new sub-label SonoLiminal / Inexhaustible Editions, FriForma, Osmo/za, Ljubljana
MONOM in frame of the CTM festival program; sonic cinema: Lost Space: Subaquatic Ocean by William Russell and Robertina Šebjanič with musical contributions from FLORA (Jonas V. Ronnberg, Anna Melina)
Steklenik gallery at Tivoli Greenhouse a solo sound exhibition: Sound Disposition / Crystal gardens by Robertina Šebjanič, Aleš Hieng – Zergon, Ida Hiršenfelder
Gallery Tobačna 001 a solo exhibition: Aquatic twilight / Lygophilia by Robertina Šebjanič, curated by Alenka Trebušak
aqua_forensic by Robertina Šebjanič and Gjino Šutić with guest Veronika Liebl (Ars Electronica) at OSMO/ZA
2022, 7 December – 2023, 11 February, Istanbul
Digital Serendipidy a group exhibition at Akbank Sanat, curated by Helena Nikonole, taking part with the work AquA(I)formings – Interweaving the Subaqueous (collaboration Robertina Šebjanič, Sofia Crespo & Feileacán McCormick)
Line | +1233m –1233m by Robertina Šebjanič – live sound event / Thursday, 17 Nov 2022, at 20:30 and installation 17 – 18 Nov 2022, part of Parallel soundscapes organised by Zavod Cona at Kino Šiška, Ljubljana
AquA(I)formings – Interweaving the Subaqueous by Sofia Crespo, Feileacan McCormick (Entangled Others studio – live video) and Robertina Šebjanič part of Digitalive at Mattatoio part of Romaeuropa festival 2022,
2022, 4 – 12 November, Dubrovnik
presentation of outcomes of STARTS4Water residency: Zero Pollution Adriatic by Marjan Žitnik and Robertina Šebjanič at Dubrovnik Postmodern, Center za Mlade Dubrovnik
2022, 7 October till 26 February 2023, Las Palmas de Gran Canaria
aqua_forensic by Robertina Šebjanič and Gjino Šutič at CAAM, Centro Atlántico de Arte Moderno. Cabildo de Gran Canaria, taking part of the exhibition “Con los pies en la Tierra” curated by Blanca De La Torre & Zoran Eric
2022, September, Galápagos Islands // Galapagos Art and Science Journey, organised by Quo Artist foundation and Royal Academy of European Doctors (READ) from Spain, Galapagos Art & Science Journey received UNESCO’s patronage, to be considered an initiative that seeks to promote international cooperation and explore solutions for today’s economic, social and environmental challenges to achieve a sustainable future and, as such, it aligns with the mission of UNESCO.
2022, 13 September, Zagreb // Piscis ludicrous / Transfixed Gaze_Lygophilia, video essay and Odorantur_Lygophilia, installation are part of a group exhibition The New Era / Nova Doba curated by Miha Colner (Galerija Božidar Jakac Kostanjevica na Krki) at MSU (The Museum of Contemporary Art Zagreb / Muzej suvremene umjetnosti Zagreb)
2022, 10 September, Beijing // AquA(l)formings – Interweaving the Subaqueous by Robertina Šebjanič, Sofia Crespo, Feileacan McCormick is part of the group exhibition WWF China Climate Action Week (CCAW)
2022, 9 September, Linz // Ars Electronica Festival: S+T+ARTS Day Panel Discussion: Residency. But How? moderated by Christian Rauch (DE), speakers: Aimee Van Wynsberghe (CA), Irakli Sabekia (GE), Marjan Žitnik (HR), Robertina Šebjanič (SI)
2022, 8 September, Linz // artist talk by Robertina Šebjanič at LEONARDO LASER LINZ – Die Gartenlaube Vol. III, Danube Songs 2, organised by Christa Sommerer & Fabricio Lamoncha (Interface Cultures department at the University of Art and Design in Linz, Austria) and Ars Electronica 2022
2022, 3 September 11 November, Basel // CO_SONIC 1884k2 by Robertina Šebjanič part of a group exhibition “Earthbound – In Dialogue with Nature”, curated by Sabine Himmelsbach and Boris Magrini at HeK (House of Electronic Arts Basel)
lecture & listening session: SONIC ALLEGORIES by dr. Lena Ortega (MEX) & Robertina Šebjanič (SLO) with special guest prof. dr. Victoria Vesna (USA) at Computer museum Ljubljana (Računalniški muzej Ljubljana)
2022, 9 and 10 of July, Berlin // Robertina Šebjanič participated at the Interspecies Future Symposium co-hosted by The Museum für Naturkunde and Light Art Space in Berlin. more:
9 June – 21 August, Barcelona Aqua(I)formings by Sofia Crespo & Feileacán McCormick & Robertina Sebjanic will take part at ISEA 2022 Barcelona . The main exhibition ISEA2022 at the Arts centre Santa Mònica, under the title “La irrupció“, the exhibition, curated by Marta Gracia, Jara Rocha and Enric Puig Punyet more:
2022, 8 June, Linz [Talk online] // Guest lecture at the Interface Cultures department at the University of Art and Design in Linz, Austria: Robertina Šebjanič • Sounds of a troubled world’s = Underwater Interception of aquaforming // more:
2022. 26 May – 23 July, Reus // Aurelia 1+Hz/Proto Viva Generator by Robertina Šebjanič, on view at Cal Massó as part of the outstanding exhibition: BEEP COLLECTION: ORIGINS . Curated by Roberta Bosco and Stefano Caldana, this exhibition brings together the latest digital artworks incorporated into the .BEEP {collection;}. more:
2022, 26 May – 18 September 2022, Badajoz // a group exhibition Alter(acción) 2.0 at MEIAC Museo Extremeño e Iberoamericano de Arte Contemporáneo with Lena Ortega we present audio visula searies of works Sonic Allegories (AviaAquatoCene, TerraAstroCene)
2022, 19 May – 11 September, Ljubljana // AquA(I)forming by Robertina Šebjanič & Sofia Crespo & Feileacan McCormick is part of a group exhibition The Emergency Exit at the +MSUM (Museum of Contemporary Art Metelkova). more:
2022, 26 March – 10 July 2022, Karlsruhe // Time Displacement / Chemobrionic Garden by Robertina Šebjanič, Aleš Hieng and Ida Hiršenfelder, group exhibition: The Beauty of Early Life. Traces of Early Life, at ZKM Karlsruhe. Curated by: Norbert Lenz, Peter Weibel with Eduard Harms, Hannah Jung, Philipp Ziegler. more:
2022, 22 and 23 March [Talk online – Webinar LAB#01 Medios Sintientes ] Medialab Matadero, Webinar LAB#01 Medios Sintientes, Presentation of 8 projects and guest experts such as Jussi Parikka, Carlos Bayod, Robertina Sebjanic, Tega Brain, Gary Zhexi Zhang and Luiza Crosman more:
2022, 16 February [Talk online – Re:Humanism] The Eternal Body. The human senses as a laboratory of power, between ecological crisis and transhumanism. Moderator: Elena Giulia Abbiatici. Guests: Where Dogs run, Moon Ribas, Robertina Šebjanič, Tom Tlalim, Nimrod Vardi. more:
2022, 10 February [Talk online UCLA ArtSci Center] Presentation of work Aurelia 1+Hz and Atlantic Tales by Robertina Šebjanič, hosted by co-curators of Atmosphere of Sound: sonic arts in times of climate disruption: Victoria Vesna & Anuradha Vikram, with special guest curator Louise Manifold – vimeo More:
AquA(l)formings by Robertina Šebjanič, Sofia Crespo, Feileacan McCormick is taking part at group exhibition Art Code, GROUND Solyanka Gallery, Moscow
aqua_forensic by Robertina Šebjanič and Gjino Šutić at group exhibition: HYDRA. New Media Art in the Context of Eco-Anxiety at Savcaport in St. Petersburg
CO_SONIC 1884 KM² by Robertina Šebjanič at a group show deep deep forest PIXXELPOINT festival, Nova Gorica, curated by Olena Kasperovych
aqua_forensic, by Robertina Šebjanič and Gjino Šutić, at a group exhibition: OVERVIEW EFFECT at Museum of Contemporary Art, Belgrade, Srbia, curated by Blanca de la Torre and Zoran Erić
Alter(action) a group exhibition at Fundação Eugénio Almeida – Centro de Arte e Cultura in Évora, Portugal curated by Marta de Menezes. Lena Ortega and Robertina Šebjanič present series of sound work Sonic Allegories
The Interweaving the Subaqueous – AquA(I)formings by Robertina Šebjanič, Sofia Crespo and Feileacan McCormick – part of group exhibition Festival IZIS 2200 UND3R.
The Atlantic tales by Robertina Šebjanič – part of group exhibition Festival IZIS 2200 UND3R.
The sound work Dark Drops by Robertina Šebjnič at the festival Sound Walk City · prelude.
Atlantic tales (concert) at ZIMMT, 3D sound venue, Leipzig
The Traveling Plant – at Fundação Eugénio de Almeida – presentation of the sound work Sonic Allegories a collaborative project by Lena Ortega (MX) & Robertina Šebjanič (SI) and round table with Annick Bureaud, Tatiana Kourochkina, Claudia Schnugg, Robertina Šebjanič, Marta de Menezes and José Alberto Ferreira
The Traveling Plant: organised by Quo Artist foundation: artist Paula Bruna: “Cruel of Tucuman” at the Botanical Institute of Barcelona (IBB) more:
Aquatocene (concert and lecture) in frame of Metaboles festival, Métaboles festival is coproduction of 1979, Ateliers Jeanne Barret, D.D.A Contemporary Art, M2F Créations|LabGAMERZ et OTTO-Prod. 2021, 23 – 26 June, Marseille // more:
Con(fine)arts | Exposição a group exhibition at Belas-Artes, Lisboa
(The Stanford Center for Computer Research in Music and Acoustics (CCRMA)) Sound as ocean memory: ecoacoustics, audification and sonification, concert is the culmination of a workshop ( featuring works by The Ocean Memory working group and the Stanford Center for Computer Research in Music and Acoustics (CCRMA)) and other composers and scientists. The program was curated by Jonathan Berger and comprises prerecorded works. Robertina Šebjanič takes part with the work Aquatocene.
Social Music II: Communities in Movement curated by Brandon LaBelle, Part 1: Bio_Sonic_Agencies with Laura Benitez, Óscar Martín, Brandon LaBelle, Vanessa Lorenzo, Robertina Šebjanič
Sound art work Aquatocene by Robertina Šebjanič at group exhibition In the Age of Post-Drought – THE AQUATIC STATE at the CID au Grand-Hornu in Belgium, curated by Arjen Bangma Transnatural Art & Design,
SubAquatic Songs _Aquaformations online presentation of new upcoming work by joint collaboration, Robertina Šebjanič (artist/researcher) and Sofia Crespo (artist & specialist in machine learning / artificial intelligence)
The project Lygophilia Session: ArtBox (Day 1) // Speakers: Robertina Sebjanic, Annick Bureaud, María Antonia González Valerio, Polona Tratnik at the International conference “Taboo – Transgression – Transcendence in Art & Science”, TTT2020 Vienna/Online
Onassis Cultural Centre: work by Robertina Šebjanič and Gjino Šutić aqua_forensic part of a group exhibition: Creatures in a series of tubes on Mozila Hubs, online exhibition
LIVE Webinar with Robertina Šebjanič and Adeline Seah: “Beyond LYGOPHILIA/PISCIS LUDICROUS/ TRANSFIXED GAZE – Multispecies Explorations with an Artist and a Biologist” at Singapore Eco Film festival 2020
Singapore Eco Film Festival 2020, Piscis ludicrous / Transfixed Gaze_Lygophilia by Robertina Šebjanič shown in selection of short films
Aquaformations, lectures and workshop with students of Art & Science Master’s program, ITMO University St.Petersburg
Eko Lab Pula online presentation of ADRIATIC GARDEN: underwater and underwater sound ambiance of the Adriatic Sea by Robertina Šebjanič
in frame of festival Speculum Artium, a gorup exhibition Empathy (re)loading by curator Alenka trebušak and selector Robertina Šebjanič with works by: Marco Barotti, Sanela Jahić, Maša Jazbec, Luce Moreau, Nonument Group (Neja Tomšič, Miloš Kosec , Martin Bricelj Baraga), Constanza Piña Pardo, Anaïs Tondeur, Vivian Xu
artist talk at Music Tech fest – MTF at Aveiro, Portugal
at the”Łaźnia” Centre for Contemporary Art and online. Discussion about Victoria Vesna’s “Noise Aquarium” project. The panelists: Victoria Vesna, Martina R. Fröschl, Robertina Šebjanič, Yolande Harris, Ari Friedlaender, Sławomir Kwasniewski, Zygmunt Klusek and Anna Nacher.
Lygophilia, video essay by Robertina Šebjanič on a group exhibition in MAINS D’ŒUVRES Il n’y a plus de saisons, Paris
aqua_forensic part of group exhibition STARTS Prize ’20. Speculating on the Future through Art and Science, Bozar, Brussels
aqua_forensic work by Robertina Šebjanič and Gjino Šutić part of group exhibition on festival Touch me – EMAP – Living Beings and Their Dangerous Liaisons, organised by Kontejner
in frame of talks at SONICA festival in Ljublajna at SIGIC – a round table : Export MUSIC Slovenia The panelists: Andraž Kajzer, Bodgan Benigar, Robertina Šebjanič, Peter Baroš
Atlantic tales: SELACHOPHILIA: CETORHINUS MAXIMUS – LIMARIA HIANS on group exhibition on Island Inis Oirr in Ireland, project Arieal/Sparks curated by Louise Manifold in frame of 2020 Galway 2020 European Capital of Culture
aquatocene, Riologia by Robertina Šebjanič and aqua_forensic by Robertina Šebjanič and Gjino Šutič are part of group exhibition Living object – Živi objekt at City Art Gallery Ljubljana (Mestna galerija Ljubljana), curated by Alenka Trebušak
aqua_forensic part of group exhibition Emap / Emare: Quarantine Art workshop Lazareti organised by Kontejner and UR Institute
Ars electronica garden Galway, round table: Aerial/Sparks :: Reports on waves, Remote sensing: mythologies and sciences by DR Chris McGonigle (IE) Robertina Šebjanič (SI), Louise Manifold (IE)
aqua_forensic by Robertina Šebjanič and Gjino Šutić is part of group exhibitionVida Futura (Future Life) at LABoral Centro de Arte, curator: Karin Ohlenschläger
Gallery Božidar jakac, Kostnjevica at Lapidarium, a group exhibition curated by Miha Colner, presenting also my series of works Lygophilia
Biofriction – online performance: Stay in touch, a result of online residency in Frame of Biofriction platform // Workgroup members of Arts Shows and Public Health: Louise Mackenzie (UK), Isabel Burr Raty (BE), Karolina Żyniewicz (PO), Dalila Honorato (GR), Marta De Menezes (PT), Robertina Šebjanič (SI) and Pavel Tavares (PT/BR)
Radio Nopal, with Lena Ortega and Robertina Šebjanič: SIN SUPERFICIE: AVIACENO & AQUATOCENO, Tales of birds and crustaceans
radioCona: Storyscapes SE FM exhibition, sound work talks with Grey Heron by Robertina Šebjanič part of SOUNDCAMP / Reveil2020
Dutch Design Week 2019, Aquatocene as part of the program In The Age of Post Drought curated by Transnatural
Kud Mreža and its FriFormA\V program at osmo/za by Ida Hirsenfelder & Manja Ristic & Robertina Šebjanič and an audiovisual by Katja Oberlintner & Ina Puntar.
FACT /group exhibition/ Oceans 4.0 Marco Barotti, Anna Dumitriu and Alex May, Robertina Šebjanič and Gjino Šutić
performance Aquatocene at Eye film museum, in program of Transnatural – In the Age of Post-Drought. The program includes a film by Nicky Assmann and Joris Strijbos and performances by TeZ Maurizio Martinucci & Federico Murgia and me.
Aurelia 1+Hz / proto viva generator is part of a group exhibition (Al)most alive, after all Young Gallery Weekend at Arts Santa Mònica, by NewArtFoundation, Hangar, BEEP Electronic Art Collection.
Sound Disposition / Crystal gardens by Robertina Šebjanič, Aleš Hieng – Zergon, Ida Hiršenfelder, part of group exhibition Danube dialogues 2019 / contemporary art festival in Novi sad
7th festival IZIS – Invasion a group exhibition curated by Marko Vivoda – porduction PINA || Robertina Šebjanič, Aleš Hieng – Zergon, Ida Hiršenfelder with work Time Displacement / Chemobrionic Garden
Riologia new commission work by Robertina Šebjanič within a frame of Mutant Institute of Environmental Narratives [Instituto Mutante de Narrativas Ambientales – IMNA – Cyborg garden as part of exhibition Eco-Visionaries at Matadero in Madrid.
Citizen science workshop with 600 volunteers from L’Oreal at the Manzanares river in Madrid done in the frame of a Riologia new commission work by Robertina Šebjanič within a frame of Mutant Institute of Environmental Narratives [Instituto Mutante de Narrativas Ambientales – IMNA – Cyborg garden as part of exhibition Eco-Visionaries at Matadero in Madrid.
Mirage Festival 7e édition ─ Turbulences, presenting work aqua_forensic (Robertina Šebjanič & Gjino Šutić)
Experiment Zukunft (Experiment Future) at Kunsthalle Rostock (The Rostock Art Gallery) group exhibition curated by Susanne Jaschko || Robertina Šebjanič, Aleš Hieng – Zergon, Ida Hiršenfelder with work Time Displacement / Chemobrionic Garden
Art Laboratory Berlin, as part of HYDRO PERFORMANCE Night. Performances, Talks with New Cassettes and Vinyls! With Kat Austen, Robertina Šebjanič (Aquatocene) und Fara Peluso.
Transnatural In The Age of Post-Drought (group exhibition), Robertina Šebjanič (Aquatocene)
+MSUM, Museum of Contemporary Art Metelkova, Ljubljana (Piscis ludicrous / Transfixed Gaze – Lygophilia)
OSMO/ZA gallery, Ljubljana (Neotenous dark dwellers – Lygophilia)
aMORE festival, cinema pou Poreč (Aquatocene – opening av performance)
esc medien kultur labor, Graz, Assonance of Drops (Dark Drops and Time Displacement / Chemobrionic Garden)
El cine rev [b] elado, CA2M – Art Center May 2, Móstoles – Madrid (Aquatocene)
N-Festival: Espacios de especies, Centro de Cultura Digital (CCD), Mexico City (Lygophilia)
Ars Electronica Export at the DRIVE. Volkswagen Group Forum: ERROR – The Art of Imperfection exhibition (aqua_forensic)
Bandits-Mages Mending the Fabric of the World, (aqua_forensic)
Impakt, A World Without Us, Utrecht (aqua_forensic)
KIKK festival, Species and Beyond, Namur (Aurelia 1+Hz / proto viva generator)
Foundation Maison des Sciences de l’Homme, AnthropOcean, oceanics imaginaries, Paris (Aquatocene)
Topographies of Sound, Škuc Gallery, Ljubljana (Dark Drops)
MFRU festival at Photogallery Stolp, Maribor (Aquatocene)
The Universal Sea – Pure or Plastic? at Hybrid Art Space in Budapest (Aquatocene)
58th Annale Poreč, at Pučko otvoreno učilište Poreč and Istarska Sabornica (Aquatocene and Dark Drops)
La Gaité Lyrique, Capitaine futur et La Supernature, Paris (Aurelia 1+Hz / proto viva generator)
Art Science Salon (Laser), Tacoma University of Puget Sound, Washington (Liquid Culture)
Futurology, Mestna galerija Nova Gorica, curated by Nadja Zgonik (Aquatocene)
Spektrum, Berlin (Aurelia 1+Hz / proto viva sonification)
ICEbreakerFM, 88.8 MHz FM, Ljubljana (Black Drops)
Cité Internationale des Arts, Paris, Nous ne sommes pas le nombre que nous croyons être (Fondation Daniel et Nina Carasso), (Aquatocene)
Pionirski dom, festival of science Hokus Pokus, Ljubljana (Aurelia 1+Hz / proto viva sonification)
2018 artist talks / lectures / workshops
“Taboo – Transgression – Transcendence in Art & Science” TTT in the panel ECO – narratives, at Centro Cultura Digital, Mexico city // Curated panel 1: Eco-Narratives Speakers: Victoria Vesna (UCLA, USA) Kathy High (Rensselaer Polytechnic Institute, USA) Robertina Šebjanič (Independent, Slovenia) Cosima Herter (Independent, Canada) Curator: Dalila Honorato (Ionian University, Greece)
DCAC 2018 – The International Conference on Digital Culture & AudioVisual Challenges, hosted by the Department of Audio & Visual Arts (Ionian University), Corfu (Greece) (guest speaker)
ENSA – École Nationale Supérieure d’Art de Bourges as part of Recontes Bandits-Mages (aqua_forensic 4 day workshop, Robertina Šebjanič & Gjino Šutić)
The Universal Sea – Pure or Plastic?! station in Amsterdam – part of WeMakeThe.City Festival (artist talk)
Tacoma University of Puget Sound, Washington (workshop Inflatable Synthetic Squid Skin Design- Liquid Culture / cephalopods by Aisen Caro Chacin and Robertina Sebjanic)
KIKK festival, Namur (artist talk)
Ars Electronica, Linz (artist talk, guest speaker at STARTS conference, expert tour)
OSMO/ZA in Ljubljana panel discussion Neotenous dark dwellers (Lygophilia) // Speakers: Carlos Pascual (writer), Gregor Aljančič and Magdalena Năpăruș-Aljančič (Tular Cave Laboratory – Jamski laboratorij Tular), Robertina Sebjanic (artist), Annick Bureaud (curator and art critic, director Leonardo/Olats).
LadHyX Polytechnique The Hydrodynamics laboratory of the École polytechnique, Paris (artist talk)
Gallery Močvara, Kontejner, Zagreb (Time Displacement / Chemobrionic Garden)
Strictly Analog, Ljubljana (Liquefaction)
inSonic 2017, ZKM, Karlsruhe (Aquatocene)
Transitio_MX, Centro Multimedia celebrado en Centro Nacional de las Artes (CENART), curated by Pedro Soler (Lygophilia)
Cynetart, Dresden (Aurelia 1+Hz / proto viva sonification)
TESLA Award opening evenig, MOTA at City Museum Ljubljana (Aquatocene)
SONICA 2017, Cukrarna, Ljubljana (Aquatocene)
Art Gallery Siva Zona / gray), Korčula, Underwater: Escaping Sound Pollution, Art Gallery Siva Zona / gray)
Radio Cona:wolFMoon, Ljubljana (Dark Drops)
2014, 2015, 2016, 2017 artist talks / lectures / workshops
Lecture at the coference Nonhuman agents in Art, Culture and Theory – conference at Art Laboratory Berlin, featuring artists, scientists and scholars from the humanities. Robertina Šebjanič will take part on the 26th of November with the lecture / presentation: Sounds of Troubled Worlds = Songs for Serenity.
Lecture at / talk about the project Aquatocene / Subaquatic quest for the serenity at a symposium on „Fluid Visualisation and Sound Matters“ at the Angewandte Innovation Lab (AIL)
lecture at the Department of Social Sciences and Humanities, Lerma Campus at The Universidad Autónoma Metropolitana (UAM),
Lecture at Arte+Ciencia on the La Facultad de Filosofía y Letras de la Universidad Nacional Autónoma de México (UNAM),
“Lab-X”, a spring workshop session and lectures for students of School of design and innovation, the college of management academic studies in Tel Aviv, Israel;
University of applied science FH JOANNEUM in Graz, Austria,
School for Arts, University of Nova Gorica, Pixelpoint festival – workshops and lectures Senescence: Future Vision of Anthropocene lecture & workshop by Robertina Šebjanič at the School of Arts – University of Nova Gorica; workshop sessions: DIY Microscope and BIOBOX / Roscoff worm educational kit – initiation into marine biology – an Educational kit designed by the Roscoff Biological Station, France, with invited guest lecture by Miha Colner: Perceptions of Ecology.
Parsons The New School, New York (artist talk)
Art Laboratory Berlin (Aural Presence with projects Aurelia 1+Hz and Aquatocene)
Freies Theather, Innsbruck (Aurelia 1+Hz / proto viva sonification)
ZVO.ČI.TI DUO, Zavod CONA, Kino Šiška, Ljubljana
Stadtwerkstad & Ars Eletronica, on a ship MS Wissenschaft, Linz (Hydra reminiscence)
Art Meets Radical Openness Festival, Linz, Avstria (echo 10-9 )
HackteriaLab Yogyakarta, (Humalga)
PORTIZMIR#3,Triennale of contemporary art Tobacco Factory, Izmir, Turkey (Deep Blue)
BRDG #16, Antwerpen, (Displaced Walks)
Slovenian Museum of Natural History, Biobanka, Glasshouse Tivoli of the University Botanic Gardens, Gallery Kapelica, (Humalga – Injection wet symposium)
Hackteria Lab Bangalore, The National Centre for Biological Sciences NCBS and Shristy school of Arts, Bangalore (Humalga – Mikroinjection)
Strictly Analog, Ljudmila in Kreativni center Poligon (echo 10-9 )
Festival Sonica, Klub K4, Ljubljana, (echo 10-9 )
Le Festival Accès(s) de Pau, (Humalga)
Kibla Portal,festival Kiblix/MFRU, Maribor (echo 10-9 )
Gallery Kapelica, Ljubljana (Humalga: Injection)
SCULPTURE TODAY: A New Renaissance and Transhumanism, Center for Contemporary Arts Celje, (Humalga)
Removed Together, MKC Split, Croatia
linea d’acqua, Trst, italia
Prima Center Berlin (PCB), Berlin (Break of Whiteness)
Gallery SC, Zagreb, Croatia (Break of Whiteness)
Diocletian’s Palace, Croatian Association of Artists Hulu Split, Croati (Break of Whiteness)
Hiperfasad, Cultural incubator MKC Maribor, (Bubble)
City gallery Ljubljana, Powered by Ljudmila, Ljubljana
Maribor Art Gallery, UGM, Maribor, Slovenija, (Pufination)
Netaudio London festival (MUTE – Short circuit festival) , Sonic Maze, Roundhouse, London, (Pufination)
Gallery Murska Sobota, (Pufination)
M3C Festival , MMC Mikk, Murska Sobota, (Pufination)
KIBLIX festival, Kibla, Maribor, (Pufination)
Gallery Simulaker, Novo Mesto, (TON_IQ)
Likovni salon Gallery, Celje, Slovenia (Futuro Autopoiesis)
Gallery Alaktraz, Ljubljana, Slovenia (Break of Whiteness)
Open studio, Maribor,
MFRU+Kiblix festival, Maribor, Slovenia
Contacts of Spaces, Images of Bodies, Telebody interface, Dance Theatre Ljubljana (PTL), festival Medukrep – Ukrep, Slovenia
HEP 2010 Human emotion project, FACE INSTALLATION – Portugal 2010 (Bubble)
MMC Pina, Koper
Gallery KiBela, Kibla multimedia centre Maribor, (Three electromagnetic habitats)
Limited Access, Azad Gallery Tehran – Parkingallery, Tehran
DEVICE_ART 3.009/ Zagreb, Croatia (Pufination)
Liwoli 2009 – hacklab for art and open source, Kunstuniversitat Linz, (Pufination)
DIVA Station (SCCA Slovenia) selected video program from 1983 to 2007:: Ars Electronica, Linz, Austria (Brucknerhaus, History Lounge)//Gallery ŠKUC, Ljubljana Slovenia//AKC Metelkova mesto, Klub Gromka, Ljubljana
HEP 2009 Human emotion project, screenings of video art at varius locations:: Portuguese Bookshop Gallery 葡萄牙書店畫廊, Macau, Macau Formverk/ art zone eskilstuna/ Sweden, Ceramic Museum (State Museum) Facilities Garden,Caldas-da-Rainha, Portugal, Barcelona Club, Rome, Italy Guildford Lane Gallery, Melbourne, Australia
2008 SOLO EVENTS (EXHIBITIONS / AV PERFORMANCE): Cyberpipe, Ljubljana, (Pufination)
Gallery Alaktraz, Ljubljana, (Bubble)
Gallery costiere Pirano, Gallery Herman Pečarič, Piran, (Connected by Signals)
SCCA Ljubljana, No nails no pedestals, (Pufination)
Premiere 17, The Gallery of Contemporary Art, Celje, ‘Bubble)
Gallery Time, Europaischer dialog, Vienna
“Anina zbirka”” Teatre´s za voglom” Pekarna, EX – garage sonda, Maribor
“Hacktopia” HAIP – 3rd International Multimedia Festival of Open
Technologies, Gallery Vzigalica, Ljubljana (Pufination)
The Museum of contemporary art of Vojvodina in Novi Sad,„The Body of light“ (Bubble)
„Vsak človek je lahko kustos/ Every man is a curator / Jeder Mensch ist ein Kurator”, The Modern Gallery Ljubljana, (Urban accessorist)
LabSus: „Osebno – Osobno“, City gallery Labin, (Bubble)
„Venetian, atmospheric“ from Tobias Putrih, 52nd International art exhibition La bienale di Venecija, Slovenian paviljon, presentation of Slovenian video production: “Digital – analog”, Venice
Videorats-electric rats dream video dreams – video festival, Celje, (Niro)
Wood sculptures, Körmend, Hungary
Gallery Alkatraz, Ljubljana, (City Interspace)
ShopWindow Gallery ( Kranj Student association and The Blue Circle association), Kranj, The (Mass of hovering water)
Feeast – Festival of Central and Eastern European Theatre, Riverside Studios, London, 3nd , EuropeanArtStudentsDigitalWorks, Famul Stuart, Ljubljana,
2005 Festival DOKMA, Maribor
Youth Cultural Centre Kranj
festival NATURE 2, Bežigrad Gallery 2, Ljubljana
„Project Metelkova“, Alkatraz Gallery, Ljubljana
“On spot” , gallery Celica, Hostel Celica, Ljubljana
11 MFRU,international festival of computer art, Maribor
Cinema Island festival, Cinema on the beach, Izola
Public space intervention- action of group TEMP, Ljubljana 2nd , EuropeanArtStudentsDigitalWorks, Famul Stuart, Ljubljana,
2004 OSAMELCI 1:2:6:2 1 // SOLITARY HILLS 1:2:6:2 1, public memorial (50 years of London Memorabelia), Lucija
Ljubljana Castle at 10.years of Famul Stuart school, Ljubljana
„The Cell“ Gallery Hostel Cell, Famul Stuart school, Ljubjana
2003 „SOUND“, Academy of Music, Ljubljana
Earth, Tree, Iron and the Two of Us, exhibition of the four, Media Nox Gallery, Maribor
stone sculpture “Retro Venus”, Hortus Niger summer school, Halberain
Academy of fine arts in Ljubljana Student exhibition, The Pretor Pallace, Koper
2010 Displaced body by, Jelena Milovanović and Milan Tomašik – dance show// Dance and Choreography: Jelena Milovanović, Milan Tomášik// Dramaturgy: Samo Gosarič // Video: Vesna Krebs, Robertina Šebjanič // Music: Simon Bergoč // Costumes: Tanja Devetak
2007 Ugly Duckling, by H.C.Andersen, Sentjakobsko Theatre Ljubljana, director: Dejan Spasić, Ljubljana, Slovenia
2005 Knives in Hens, by David Harrower; in cooperation with AGRFT, director Uroš Nikolič, Šentjakob’s Theatre, Ljubljana, Slovenia.
Closed Doors , by J.P. Sartre; in cooperation with AGRFT, director Uroš Nikolič, Culture centre Ivan Cankar, Ljubljana, Slovenia