Symposium: Ocean Around Us – Echoes of the Abyss: Toxic Legacies of Oceanic Ecologies ||| simpozij: Ocean okoli nas – Odmevi brezna: Toksična dediščina oceanskih ekologij

The symposium, “The Ocean Around Us — Echoes of the Abyss,” dived deep into the toxic legacy concealed beneath our oceans, exposing the harmful impact of decaying munitions on marine life and coastal communities. This transdisciplinary gathering brought together experts and thinkers from ecology, civil society, anthropology, geopolitics, and culture, alongside divers working firsthand with this dangerous, unexploded “heritage” – UXO- from past and recent conflicts. Together, we aimed to uncover solutions to the complex challenges facing our oceans. Building on the knowledge of years of research from the Baltic and North Seas provided by a scientist working there, we realize now is a moment to empower local communities to protect their waters and rethink how to develop impactful conservation strategies.The symposium’s central question delved into how decaying munitions release chemicals that alter water composition and impact marine life, particularly organisms exposed to these contaminants. Acts of war and human exploitation are reshaping global realities as well as oceanic environments on both micro and macro levels.

Symposium bio and abstracts:

Keynote Speakers:
Dr. Nataša Rogelja – Caf, ZRC SAZU – Research Centre of the Slovenian Academy of Sciences and Arts, Ljubljana Slovenia
Dr. Matthias Brenner, Alfred Wegener Institute Helmholtz Centre for Polar and Marine Research (AWI), Bremerhaven, Germany

Tihomir Bošnjak, Head of the Diving Team of the Lučko Anti-Terrorist Unit, Croatia
Petra Linhartová, Director of Digital & Innovation at  Fundación TBA21 Thyssen-Bornemisza Art Contemporary, Vienna, Austria
mag.Janko Boštjančič, Director of the Pivka Park of Military History, Slovenia
assoc. prof. Dr. Kristina Pranjić, University of Nova Gorica, Slovenia
Bojan Kopač, member of the state Explosive Ordnance Disposal (EOD) unit, Slovenia
Aljaž Leban, commander of the region Explosive Ordnance Disposal (EOD) unit, Slovenia
Andrej Šekli, commander of Explosive Ordnance Disposal (EOD) unit state divers, Slovenia
Dr. Irena Fonda, cofounder of YouSea Institute Fonda Fish Garden, Piran Bay, Slovenia
Davor Mišković and Ivana Katić, Drugo More, Rijeka, Croatia
Ivana Borovnjak and Maja Kolar, Oaza, Zagreb, Croatia
Gjino Šutić, researcher, UR Institute Dubrovnik / Zagreb, Croatia
Dr. Manca Bajec, Lecturer in the Visual Cultures Department at Goldsmiths, London U.K.
Robertina Šebjanič, Artist/Researcher, Ljubljana, Slovenia

Video Contributions:
Prof. Dr. Jacek Bełdowski, Polish Academy of Sciences | PAN, and Researcher
Institute of Oceanology, Polish Academy of Sciences, Laboratory of Contemporary Threats to Marine Ecosystems. Sopot, Poland
Dr. Miłosz Grabowski, Oceanographer / Hydrographer, Marine Acoustics Laboratory, Marine Physics Department, Institute of Oceanology PAS, Sopot Poland
Filippo Minelli, Artist/Researcher, Italy / Dubai United Arab Emirates
Eduardo Castillo Vinuesa, Curator/ Architect/ Researcher, Madrid, Spain
Neja Tomšič, Artist/Researcher, Ljubljana, Slovenia

Manca Bajec and Robertina Šebjanič

A podcast in Slovenian by Lea Širok about the symposium on Radio Slovenia:

Special thank you also to the team of Cukrarna team, for the amazing support and Alenka Gregorič for welcoming words + dearest Manca Bajec, Natasa Rogelja and Kristina Pranjić for all the needed support when organising this + Rok Kovač for capturing sound. And Lea Širok, for being with us and making a great podcast for Radio Slovenia.I would also like to thank the Moderna galerija; Adela Železnik and Kristijan Sedej and U3 for the excellent guided tour and Park of military history Pivka for the warm welcome and for presenting the captivating exhibition about Enigma.

photos by Boštjan Kurent and Aleš Rosa


(For the Slovenian version, scroll down.)

Ocean Around Us – Echoes of the Abyss: Toxic Legacies of Oceanic Ecologies

International Symposium

Date: 25. Oktober 2024

Time: 10.30 – 13.00 and 15.00- 17.00

Location: Cukrarna Classroom

*Pre-event: 24. October at 16.00, guided tour at the Moderna Galerija at U3

*Post-event: 26 October at 11.00, visit the Pivka Park of Military History, Slovenia

Ocean Around Us – Echoes of the Abyss Toxic Legacies of Oceanic Ecologies is an interdisciplinary symposium exploring coastlines and marine environments through ecological, anthropological, geopolitical, and cultural lenses. The event encourages innovative ways of engaging with the sea, drawing from the ongoing Echoes of the Abyss* project by Robertina Šebjanič. This project examines the environmental impact of munitions disposal in oceans and the complex human-ecological dynamics that affect marine ecosystems.

Keynote Speakers:
Dr. Nataša Rogelja – Caf, ZRC SAZU – Research Centre of the Slovenian Academy of Sciences and Arts, Ljubljana Slovenia
Dr. Matthias Brenner, Alfred Wegener Institute Helmholtz Centre for Polar and Marine Research (AWI), Bremerhaven, Germany

Tihomir Bošnjak, Head of the Diving Team of the Lučko Anti-Terrorist Unit, Croatia
Petra Linhartová, Director of Digital & Innovation at  Fundación TBA21 Thyssen-Bornemisza Art Contemporary, Vienna, Austria
mag.Janko Boštjančič, Director of the Pivka Park of Military History, Slovenia
assoc. prof. Dr. Kristina Pranjić, University of Nova Gorica, Slovenia
Bojan Kopač, member of the state Explosive Ordnance Disposal (EOD) unit, Slovenia
Aljaž Leban, commander of the region Explosive Ordnance Disposal (EOD) unit, Slovenia
Andrej Šekli, commander of Explosive Ordnance Disposal (EOD) unit state divers, Slovenia
Dr. Irena Fonda, cofounder of YouSea Institute Fonda Fish Garden, Piran Bay, Slovenia
Davor Mišković and Ivana Katić, Drugo More, Rijeka, Croatia
Ivana Borovnjak and Maja Kolar, Oaza, Zagreb, Croatia
Gjino Šutić, researcher, UR Institute Dubrovnik / Zagreb, Croatia
Dr. Manca Bajec, Lecturer in the Visual Cultures Department at Goldsmiths, London U.K.
Robertina Šebjanič, Artist/Researcher, Ljubljana, Slovenia

Video Contributions:
Prof. Dr. Jacek Bełdowski, Polish Academy of Sciences | PAN, and Researcher
Institute of Oceanology, Polish Academy of Sciences, Laboratory of Contemporary Threats to Marine Ecosystems. Sopot, Poland
Dr. Miłosz Grabowski, Oceanographer / Hydrographer, Marine Acoustics Laboratory, Marine Physics Department, Institute of Oceanology PAS, Sopot Poland
Filippo Minelli, Artist/Researcher, Italy / Dubai United Arab Emirates
Eduardo Castillo Vinuesa, Curator/ Architect/ Researcher, Madrid, Spain
Neja Tomšič, Artist/Researcher, Ljubljana, Slovenia

Manca Bajec and Robertina Šebjanič

The symposium Ocean Around Us – Echoes of the Abyss

Toxic Legacies of Oceanic Ecologies;  highlights an interdisciplinary approach to investigating coastlines and marine environments through diverse presentation formats, with speakers presenting ecological, anthropological, geopolitical, and cultural perspectives. It aims to foster new methods of working,  thinking, and engaging with the sea.

The symposium stems from the ongoing project Echoes of the Abyss, initiated by Robertina Šebjanič. This project addresses the issue of munitions disposal in the world’s oceans, alongside a broader exploration of the power (or lack thereof) of law and other interrelated human-ecological impacts causing marine ecosystem changes. These disruptions have ecological consequences.

Ocean Around Us builds upon the Echoes of the Abyss project, which began with an artist residency by R. Šebjanič aboard the TARA in 2023, focusing on the Baltic Sea. The project continued in 2024 as part of Made In Platform (hosted by Drugo More & Oaza), concentrating on leftover munitions on the seafloor in the Kvarner region of the Northern Adriatic Sea. It delves into how decaying weapons release chemicals that alter the water’s composition and impact marine life, particularly organisms exposed to these contaminants. Acts of war and human greed are reshaping not only global realities but also Oceanic environments at micro and macro levels.

As a pre-event of the symposium, we invite you to visit the 10th Triennial of Contemporary Art – U3 at the Moderna Galerija, where the project E.F. Adriatic Sensing by  Robertina Šebjanič is exhibited. The project will be presented by Robertina and Manca Bajec, the presentation will be followed by a guided tour by Kristjan Sedej (curator at the MG+MSUM). The tour will be focused also on other artworks that resonate with the ecological aspects featured in the exhibition.

* The artwork *Echoes of the Abyss: Toxic Legacies of Oceanic Ecologies by Robertina Šebjanič will premiere at a group exhibition CENTQUATRE-PARIS #104 in Paris.      
La Grande expédition: Tara, l’art et la science pour révéler l’Océan
(The Great Expedition: Tara, Art and Science to Unveil the Ocean)
16.11.2024 > 2.03.2025
In collaboration CENTQUATRE-PARIS #104 with the Tara Ocean Foundation

Produced by Zavod Sektor and Zavod Studio Aquatocene; organised by Robertina Šebjanič; 2024.
In partnership with Cukrarna Gallery
Special thanks: Moderna Galerija – U3, Drugo More & Oaza (Made In Platform), The Pivka Park of Military History, Tara Ocean Foundation
Supported by the City Municipality of Ljubljana – Department of Culture and the Ministry of Culture of Slovenia.


Ocean okoli nas – Odmevi brezna: Toksična dediščina oceanskih ekologij

mednarodni simpozij

Datum: 25. oktober 2024*

Čas: 10.30 – 13.00 in 15.00 – 17.00

Lokacija: Cukrarna učilnica

*Preddogodek: 24. oktober ob 16.00, vodstvo v Moderni Galeriji na U3
*Po dogodku: 26. oktober ob 11.00, obisk Parka vojaške zgodovine Pivka, Slovenija

Simpozij “Ocean okoli nas – Odmevi brezna: Toksična dediščina oceanskih ekologij”  se osredotoča na vpliv človeka na oceane in njihovo okolje. Strokovnjaki iz različnih področij bodo delili svoje poglede na ekološke, družbene, politične in kulturne izzive, povezane z morskimi ekosistemi, pri čemer bo poudarek na interdisciplinarnem pristopu. Glavni cilj simpozija je spodbujati  nove metode dela, razmišljanja in sodelovanja z morjem.

Dogodek temelji na projektu ”Odmevi Brezna (2024)” ki ga je zasnovala umetnica Robertina Šebjanič. Projekt obravnava vprašanje odstranjevanja streliva iz svetovnih oceanih, in zapletene človekovo-ekološke dinamike, ki vplivajo na morske ekosisteme.

Nastopna predavatelja:
Dr. Nataša Rogelja – Caf, ZRC SAZU – Znanstvenoraziskovalni center Slovenske akademije znanosti in umetnosti, Ljubljana, Slovenija
dr. Matthias Brenner, Inštitut Alfred Wegener, Helmholtzov center za polarne in morske raziskave (AWI), Bremerhaven, Nemčija

Tihomir Bošnjak, poveljnik Potapljaške ekipe Proti-teroristične enote Lučko, Hrvaška
Petra Linhartová, Direktorica digitalnega razvoja in inovacij pri Fundaciji TBA21 Thyssen-Bornemisza Art Contemporary, Dunaj, Avstrija
mag. Janko Boštjančič, direktor Parka vojaške zgodovine Pivka, Slovenija
izr. prof. dr. Kristina Pranjić, Univerza v Novi Gorici, Slovenija
Bojan Kopač, Državna enota za varstvo pred neeksplodiranimi ubojnimi sredstvi (DEvNUS), Slovenija
Aljaž Leban, poveljnik oddelka Državna enota za varstvo pred neeksplodiranimi ubojnimi sredstvi (DEvNUS), Slovenija
Andrej Šekli, vodja potapljačev Državna enota za varstvo pred neeksplodiranimi ubojnimi sredstvi (DEvNUS), Slovenija
Dr. Irena Fonda, soustanoviteljica zavoda YouSea in Ribjega vrta Fonda, Piranski zaliv Slovenija
Davor Mišković in Ivana Katić, Drugo More, Reka, Hrvaška
Ivana Borovnjak in Maja Kolar, Oaza, Zagreb, Hrvaška
Gjino Šutić, researcher,  UR Institute Dubrovnik/Zagreb, Hrvaška
dr. Manca Bajec, docentka na oddelku za vizualno kulturo na univerzi Goldsmiths, London Velika Britanija
Robertina Šebjanič, umetnica/ raziskovalka, Ljubljana Slovenija

Video prispevki:
Prof. dr. Jacek Bełdowski, Poljska akademija znanosti | PAN, in raziskovalec Inštituta za oceanologijo, Poljska akademija znanosti, Laboratorij za sodobne grožnje morskemu ekosistemu, Sopot, Poljska
dr. Miłosz Grabowski, oceanograf / hidrograf Laboratorij za morsko akustiko, Oddelek za morsko fiziko, Inštitut za oceanografijo PAS, Sopot, Poljska
Filippo Minelli, umetnik/raziskovalec, Italija / Dubaj, Združeni arabski emirati
Eduardo Castillo Vinuesa, kurator/ arhitekt/ raziskovalec, Madrid, Španija
Neja Tomšič, umetnica/ raziskovalka, Ljubljana Slovenija

Moderatorici: dr.Manca Bajec in Robertina Šebjanič

Simpozij Ocean okoli nas – Odmevi brezna: Toksična dediščina oceanskih ekologij;

Simpozij “Ocean okoli nas – Odmevi brezna: Toksična dediščina oceanskih ekologij” se osredotoča na interdisciplinarni pristop k raziskovanju obalnih in morskih okolij. Na simpoziju bodo strokovnjaki predstavili ekološke, antropološke, geopolitične in kulturne perspektive, z namenom iskanja novih metod dela, razmišljanja in sodelovanja z morjem. Glavni cilj simpozija je vzpodbuditi razpravo o negativnem vplivu človeka na oceane ter poiskati rešitve za trajnostno prihodnost..

Simpozij temelji na projektu “Odmevi Brezna (2024)”, ki ga je zasnovala umetnica Robertina Šebjanič. Ta projekt se ukvarja s problematiko odstranjevanja streliva iz svetovnih oceanov ter raziskuje, kako pravni okvirji (ali njihovo pomanjkanje) ter povezani ekološki in človeški dejavniki vplivajo na morske ekosisteme. Razpadajoče strelivo namreč sprošča škodljive kemikalije, ki spreminjajo kemično sestavo morske vode in škodujejo morskim organizmom. Takšne ekološke motnje lahko povzročijo dolgoročne posledice za celoten morski svet.

Projekt “Odmevi Brezna” se je začel leta 2023 z umetniško rezidenco Robertine Šebjanič na znanstveno-raziskovalni ladji TARA, kjer je bila pozornost usmerjena na Baltsko morje. Leta 2024 se je projekt nadaljeval znotraj platforme Made In, ki sta jo gostili organizaciji Drugo More in Oaza. V okviru sodelovanja so znanstveniki in umetniki raziskovali in topografirali strelivo, ki je bilo zapuščeno na morskem dnu Kvarnerja v Severnem Jadranu. Skupaj so preučevali, kako škodljive kemikalije iz razpadajočega orožja vplivajo na kakovost morske vode in zdravje morskega okolja. Ta problematika kaže, da vojna in pohlep vplivata ne le na globalne družbene razmere, temveč tudi na oceanske ekosisteme na mikro- in makroravni.

Kot pred-dogodek simpozija bo organiziran ogled 10. trienala sodobne umetnosti U3 v Moderni galeriji. Na trienalu bo predstavljen tudi projekt “E.F. Adriatic Sensing” umetnice Robertine Šebjanič, ki ga bo skupaj z umetnico predstavila raziskovalka Manca Bajec. Ogled razstave U3 bo vodil kustos Moderne galerije Kristjan Sedej, ki bo udeležence popeljal skozi dela, ki obravnavajo ekološke teme, izpostavljene na razstavi.

*Umetniško delo Odmevi brezna: Toksična dediščina oceanskih ekologij avtorice Robertine Šebjanič bo premierno predstavljeno na skupinski razstavi v Parizu:
La Grande expédition: Tara, l’art et la science pour révéler l’Océan
(Velika odprava Tara: Umetnost in znanost odstirata ocean)
16. november 2024 > 2. marec 2025
V CENTQUATRE-PARIS #104 v Parizu v sodelovanju z Fundacijo Tara Ocean

Produkcija: Zavod Sektor in Zavod Studio Aquatocene; organizira Robertina Šebjanič; 2024
V sodelovanju s Cukrarno.
Posebna zahvala: Moderna Galerija – U3, Drugo More in Oaza (Made In Platforma), Park vojaške zgodovine Pivka, Tara Ocean Foundation
Podprto s strani Mestne občine Ljubljana – Oddelek za kulturo in Ministrstva za kulturo Republike Slovenije.