Sound Disposition / Crystal Gardens ||| Dispozicija zvoka / kristalni vrtovi

Sound Disposition / Crystal Gardens

Dispozicija zvoka / kristalni vrtovi

by Robertina Šebjanič, Aleš Hieng – Zergon, Ida Hiršenfelder
VenueSTEKLENIK – Gallery for Sound, Bioacoustics, and Art  

——⇩Slovensko besedilo⇩ ——

Sound Disposition / Crystal Gardens is a meditation on coincidence and precision, two unresolvable questions that are posed to us when observing crystal shapes in time. It speaks of the tension between the mathematical constant and unexpected inventiveness that might lead to singularity or might also remain eternally quasi-random.

The growth of crystals is expressed as a tendency of individual atoms in chemical substances to select certain points in space at given physical conditions and form crystal lattices in layers that together compose the crystal shape. In spite of this, it is not possible to predict the final shape of the crystal as every substance also contains its own will and is exposed to a spectrum of coincidence. Science researches the stability of crystals for over a century. It was one of decisive factors at the beginning of the information revolution when the ability of crystals to transform radio waves into sound waves was discovered, or the property to emit a constant frequency which is in the case of quartz used for precision time measurement.

In the sound composition of the installation, the precise structure is entwined with randomness. It follows the changeability of crystals that form a voronoi mosaic. The sound is broken, compressed, it crackles and builds up into unpredictable growths. At the same time it projects the resonance spectrum of the crystals that form a constant soundscape beyond time variables.

With quantum computers, crystals are once again the harbingers of technological revolution, they are used by scientist with the aim to solve the most elaborate enigma of qubits: to decipher the instability in time. One of the most puzzling properties of qubits is the possibility to influence the information with human mind, which is a fascinating fact with extremely unusable consequences. In the physical conditions near absolute zero, crystals with inner oscillation cause quantum entanglement of electrons without using any inner energy and behave synchronously not only when selecting certain points in space but also in selecting different points in time and could be the constant that will be able to support the stability of quantum information in the future.

An artist attunes to what things are, which means sort of listening to the future, which is just how things are – I think time is a sort of liquid that pours out of hatpins, underground trains, salt crystals. So, a work of art is also listening to itself, because what it is never quite coincides with how it appears, too.” — Timothy Morton h

Dispozicija zvoka / kristalni vrtovi

Robertina Šebjanič, Aleš Hieng – Zergon, Ida Hiršenfelder

Zvočna instalacija
Zvočni performans: torek, 5. marca 2019, ob 19.00 uri
Odprtje razstave: sobota, 9. marca 2019, ob 12.00 uri

Dispozicija zvoka / kristalni vrtovi je meditacija o naključnosti in točnosti, dveh nerešljivih vprašanjih, ki se nam zastavljajo ob opazovanju kristalnih oblik v času. Govori o napetosti med matematično konstanto in nepričakovano domiselnostjo, ki bosta morda pripeljali do singularnosti, morda pa bosta za vedno ostali navidezno naključni.

Rast kristalov se izraža kot tendenca posameznih atomov v kemičnih snoveh, da pri danih fizikalnih pogojih izbirajo določene točke v prostoru in oblikujejo mrežice v slojih, ki na koncu tvorijo obliko kristala. Kljub temu, končne oblike kristala ne moremo predvideti, kajti vsaka snov vsebuje lastno voljo in je prepuščena določenemu vplivu naključnih dogodkov.
Stabilnost kristalov znanost raziskuje že več kot stoletje. Bila je odločilna v začetku informacijske revolucije, ko je prišlo do odkritja sposobnosti kristalov, da lahko pretvorijo radijske valove v zvočne, ali pa lastnosti, da oddajajo konstantno frekvenco, s katero v primeru kvarca natančno merimo čas.

V zvočni kompoziciji v instalaciji se precizna struktura prepleta z naključjem. Sledi spremenljivosti kristalov, ki tvorijo voronoi mozaik. Zvok se tu lomi, stiska, prasketa in gradi v obliki nepredvidljive rasti. Hkrati projicira resonančni spekter kristalov, ki tvori konstantno
zvočno krajino onkraj časovnih spremenljivk.

S kvantnimi računalniki so kristali ponovno postali znanilci nove tehnološke revolucije, s katerimi želijo znanstveniki rešiti najbolj zapleteno uganko kubitov: razvozljati nestabilnost v času. Ena najbolj zagonetnih kvantnih lastnosti kubitov je možnost vplivanja na informacije s
človeškim umom, kar je samo po sebi fascinantno, a zelo neuporabno v praksi. Kristali z notranjo oscilacijo pri fizikalnih pogojih absolutne temperaturne ničle povzročajo kvantno prepletanje elektronov brez notranje porabe energije ter se obnašajo skladno, ne samo pri izbiri določenih točk v prostoru, temveč tudi pri izbiri različnih točk v času ter predstavljajo tisto konstanto, ki bi morda lahko zagotovila stabilnost kvantnih informacij v prihodnosti.

»Umetnik se uglasi s tem, kar stvari so, kar pomeni, da na nek način prisluhne prihodnosti, kakor ravnajo tudi stvari – menim, da je čas vrsta tekočine, ki mezi iz igel v klobukih, podzemnih vlakov, kristalov soli. Zato umetniško delo vedno posluša samo sebe, saj setisto, kar je, nikoli povsem ne prekriva z videzom, ki ga vzbuja.« – Timothy Morton

Sound Disposition / Crystal Gardens

sound installation at Steklenik gallery, photos by Miha Godec

Growing Rochelle Salt crystals | Protocol documentation

330g of Rochelle Salt 500ml of distilled water in a 2000ml glass container.
Add 300g of Rochelle Salt to 500ml of distilled water in a 2000ml glass container.
Add 300g of Rochelle Salt to 500ml of distilled water. Melt by heating on a low temperature. Heating prevents endothermic reaction.
Melt by heating on low temperature. Heating prevents endothermic reaction. Store the glass containers in a quiet & dark place. Do not prevent evaporation. Evaporation is needed to create ideal ratio of the solution. After 6 weeks one of 3 glass containers has overgrowth while the other two containers are still in hibernation. Crystal overgrowth.

Isolate crystals with single-core growth. Crystal with multiple core growth will not produce ideal piezoelectric crystals. Only crystals with a single core will be used for further growth. Single crystal with a single core can be used for ideal piezoelectric crystals.